The Arrow
First draft of the short story leading to my serial is now live on my newsletter platform.
You will find the story by clicking the picture or the name of the story below- it will lead you to the tab saying
Forbidden Twins - serial story
The Arrow will be edited properly at some point, but now it is there with typos and all. Written in pantser style. That quickly made sketch of the princess shooting the arrow is also very much a first draft. Not world art, I know. As I have never practiced archery (though when younger I would have liked to), I hope blunders in the pose are forgiven.
The idea for the story came to me when I began to think what the world would be like if Rome never conquered ancient Egypt. What if the ancient traditions and beliefs were still alive in today’s world? Or rather: in Victorian world. I admit it - I have always wanted to write a story that happened in Victorian times.
Hope you enjoy the story!
A reader lives a thousand lives!
Leena :)
(who is off for a short holiday now)